Tuesday, October 29, 2002

What I Read Last Night

(A small confession)

Tuesday, 29 October 2002

Despite Sunday's good intentions to persevere with Les Miserables, I got sucked in by Perseus Rim, an entertaining space opera by Julian May. It was lent to me by a friend. It's a rollicking good read and I knocked it off in a little over 4 hours. Back to Victor Hugo tonight.

Since I do most of my reading at night, often in a mildly hypnogogic state, I'm not sure that interspersing serious reading with the occasional foray into lighter stuff is altogether a good idea. There's a risk that I might get things a little muddled and start banging on one day about Hugo's lyrical description of Javert taking his ship into hyperdrive and plunging it into the core of an actinic blue giant, causing a supernova that wipes out a hundred inhabited planetary systems. That sort of thing can seriously undermine your literary cred.

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