Thursday, March 04, 2004

The Spammegorical Imperative

Proof positive that at least one spammer has never read Immanuel Kant:

To: gummo.trotsky
Subject: W_a_n_t to a.void sp!am completely Gummo.trotsky?

This pro.gram wo.rked for me. If you hate S_pa_m like I do, you o w e it to your self to try this pro-gram, and forward this email to all of your fri.ends which also hate S+P_A+M or as many people possi.ble. Together lets help clear the Internet of S+P*A+M!


Do you get jun.k, scams and wo.rse in your i.nbox every day?

Are you sic.k of s.pending valuable time the trash?

Is your ch.ild recei.ving inappro.priate a_d*u_l*t material?

If so you sh.ould know that no othe.r solution wo.rks
better then our softw.are to return con.trol of your
e.mail back where it belo.ngs!

Ima.gine being abl.e to read your impor.tant em.ail
without loo.king thr.ough all that s*p+a*m...

C.lic_k bel.ow to vist our website:

Oops, I left out the hyperlink.

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